JK Paper to acquire Manipal Utility Packaging Solutions for 90 crore
The Pioneer [
Oct 17, 2023 | Page No.: 10 | Position: Top Right | Source: PTI | Sq Cm: 123 | AVE: 73692 | PR Value: 368460
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41 3 •11 K Paper to cquire Manipal tility Packaging olutions for 90 crore TI ¦ NEW DELHI K Paper Ltd on Monday said t will fully acquire Manipal ility Packaging Solutions Pvt td for nearly Rs 90 crore The company has entered nto a share purchase agreement SPA for the acquisition of 100 er cent shares of Manipal tility Packaging Solutions Pvt td MUPSPL JK Paper said in regulatory filing Under the SPA JK Paper ill acquire 4 07 crore equity hares representing 100 per cent f capital of MUPSPL at Rs 21 80 er equity share of Rs 10 each ubject to adjustments as per erms of agreement it added The acquisition is expected o be completed within six eeks of execution of the SPA span id green data-id 2155 style color 000 font-size 15px background-color green ith span the target entity and its pro-m oters shareholders subject to ulfilment of conditions men- ioned in the SPA the compa- y said JK Paper Vice Chairman nd Managing Director Harsh ati Singhania said This acqui- ition is in line with the long- erm strategic objective of the ompany in the packaging busi- ess and gives us an opportuni- y to offer combined solution to he customers with respect to econdary and tertiary packag- ng improve operational effi- iencies and ensure that MUP- PL grows and adds value to takeholders MUPSPL is engaged in the usiness of manufacturing pack- ging products like folding car- ons corrugated boxes and labels span id green data-id 2155 style color 000 font-size 15px background-color green ith span four manufacturing plants cross India It had a revenue of s 147 77 crore in FY 2022-23 he company said Packaging business is mongst the fastest growing egments in the Indian paper nd packaging industry driven y growth in end use industries uch as food and beverage and MCG it added