The Economic Times [
Dec 25, 2023 | Page No.: 24 | Supplement: ET Wealth | Position: Middle Left | Source: Bureau | Sq Cm: 414 | AVE: 186081 | PR Value: 930405
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MOST LOANS ARE TAKEN FOR PHONES APPLIANCES One in two would prefer to take loans online states a recent survey by Home Credit India 44 borrow for phones home appliances Expanding an existing starting a new business House renovation construction 5 Buying car two- wheeler Education loan 4 To purchase smartphone home appliance 44 4 Marriage in family Nearly 50 would E-commerce plat- like to use embed- forms top choice for ded finance embedded finance 1 in 2 prefer online mode to take loan but 52 went to bank POS last year 51 29 18 19x Preferred medium Medium for loan to take loan taken last year POS Bank Over a call Online Gen Z biggest online shoppers bankers minia ng 54 54 I ll 54 _ 50 MI 48 Iw_Ni E N E1I NM11 N I i1i1iE MNIMNIII II MN1I 49 44 M M 36 1- L 43Al N N NM - __ IN I r I Mr MN NM IN IL II IIII ii 11 iiiMEN Mt IIII IM 111 III NM Ilt IMI MI MIIil - ____ IR EMI - MB Online Internet Mobile app- shopping banking based banking 59 got loan offers on Whatsapp 24 trust these offers Metro 59 4 65x Tier 1 1 I Overall ¦ Gen Z ¦ Millennials Gen X No Yes1 31 50 Maybe 19 10 Movie ticket apps 15 Food order- ing apps 60 E-commerce portals 17 Travel apps EMI cards preferred medium for taking loan 49 EMI card companies 20 Bank credit cards 22 None of the above 8 r Digital lending apps 3 Other payment cards Source Home Credit India s How India Borrows Survey 2023 was conducted among 1 842 borrowers in the 18-55 age group across 17 cities III Ir I II II IIII IIlInIIIrIIIrIIIIIrIIIIrIII If II IrIIIIIrIIIIIIII II lllll 111111 llll IIIIIIIlll IA Ir r 11111¦11¦11 lllll 1¦11111 llllllll II IrvIIIIlrIIrr lllllllllllllll Amin