Solar adoption still leaves a large untapped market
The Pioneer [
Dec 27, 2024 | Page No.: 3 | Position: Bottom Left | Source: Bureau | Sq Cm: 138 | AVE: 46880 | PR Value: 234400
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Solar adoption still leaves a large untapped market PNS ¦ HYDERABAD autonomous navigation better batteries and workforce train- Highlighting the 60 rise in ing can unlock breakthroughs electricity tariffs over the past expanding drone applications decade Radhika Choudary across industries He also men- Co-Founder of Freyr Energy tioned small startups face hur- emphasises the rapid growth of dles competing with China s India s solar industry She men- low-cost production but gov- tioned that while solar adop- ernment support can make tion has surpassed 3 million 2025 transformative for Indian households a large untapped drone manufacturers market of over 300 million Later on CEO of ByteXL potential consumers remains Karun Tadepalli highlighted She noted that affordable 2024 s technological strides solar solutions financing and the rise of Gen AI To options and government sub- realise India s tech potential sidies are driving this growth investing in engineering edu- Companies prioritizing quali- cation updating curricula and ty products and customer-cen- driving industry-academia tric initiatives such as Solar partnerships is vital Karun Experience Centers are poised also mentioned supporting to lead the transformation startups and research will accel- create jobs and drive innova- erate breakthroughs empower- tion ing youth to position India as Meanwhile CEO Co- a global tech leader Founder of Marut Drones CEO of CriticalRiver Anji Prem Kumar highlights the Maram reflects on AI s impact Indian drone industry s on workforce dynamics He remarkable growth fueled by noted that automation innovation supportive poli- enhances efficiency and enables cies and a strong ecosystem human focus on creative tasks However challenges like certi- CriticalRiver s Digital Science fication delays subsystem reli- Innovation Lab helps integrate ability and cost competitiveness AI creating human-AI syner- must be addressed He noted gy for innovation and produc- that investments in AI tivity